New Skills for Living Online Course
The New Skills for Living Online Course represents the educational half of Rapid Eye Technology (RET). The RET process offers cutting edge negative emotional energy release whereas the Skills for Living Course offers education to make the most of that release. Relieving your emotional energy load is important because without relief, you'll continue to recreate your emotional pain over and over in new ways - stymieing real change. Once the negative emotional energy attachments are resolved, you'll need a new way of thinking - otherwise, you'll once again recreate emotional attachments and in time create new negative emotional stress.
The New Skills for Living Online Course was developed to:
- Enhance self discovery. Inner work is a continuous life process. The more you focus on knowing who you are, the better your life will work.
- Explore the places where you might have trapped trauma and unresolved emotions stored - helping you discover hidden pockets of resistance to change.
- Increase your knowledge and awareness of why things show up in your life the way they do. Learn how to identify less-than-useful patterns and what you can do about them.
- Assist you in developing new ideas and ways of enhancing your quality of life.
- Find a wonderful new freedom.
- Provide you with fundamental philosophies and exercises to assist you in living a peaceful, healthful life.
The New Skills for Living Online Course is chock full of examples, exercises, multimedia, and useful reading material to help you maximize your life change experience.
This course is offered for $20 per student for unlimited access.
Please click the Donate button below - which will take you to PayPal's secure transactions page and give you access to the online course.
Note: This course was created and is offered by the Rapid Eye Institute. Proceeds from sales of the New Skills for Living Online Course go directly to fund Heartway Foundation projects. Click here to learn more about Heartway Foundation projects.